Builders in Jacksonville, North Carolina can rest assured knowing that they have Jones Pest Control Inc. in their corner during the termite pretreatment phase. Time is money in the new construction business and Jones Pest Control Inc New Construction Team helps make sure that your projects stay on track. We are dedicated to providing superior services to the builder/construction market.

Jones Pest Control Inc. Pretreatment Team is dedicated specifically to builders and their needs:
- Prompt Scheduling
- High Quality Service
- Accurate Paperwork
- 24 Hour Service available
- Online Letter Ordering
- Quick Response Time
- Centralized Scheduling & Billing Department
- Convenient Emailing of Closing Documents
- Termite Treatment Options: Termidor, Centerfire, Borate Wood Treatment, and Other Soil Treatments
A Jones Pest Control Inc. a representative will meet with you and customize a pretreatment plan to meet your needs. We also continue this same great service once the home has been sold. We also will take care of your customers pest control, termite control, mosquito, flea and fire ant control solutions for there new home or business.

Builders and homeowners alike can Trust the Widow.
Builders Termite Pre-Treatment Request
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